The new standard in online payments
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority has stirred up the blockchain sector with its new regulations on stablecoins. In his article for finews.first, Ralf Zellweger explains why this new approach could harm Switzerland’s financial center and innovation landscape.
Die Finma hat mit ihren neuen Regeln zu Stablecoins die Blockchain-Branche in Aufruhr versetzt. Weshalb die neue Praxis dem Finanzplatz und dem Innovationsstandort Schweiz schaden, schreibt Ralf Zellweger in seinem Beitrag für finews.first.
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority has stirred up the blockchain sector with its new regulations on stablecoins. In his article for finews.first, Ralf Zellweger explains why this new approach could harm Switzerland’s financial center and innovation landscape.
Centi's Stablecoin as a Service emerges as a pioneering solution, offering businesses the unique advantage of integrating stablecoin transactions into their operations. Centi's digital payment services are designed to meet the diverse needs of today's digital economy.