Bernhard Müller

Bernhard Müller

Bernhard Müller, General Manager, Centi Ltd.
Bernhard Müller, General Manager, Centi Ltd.
Bernhard Müller, General Manager, Centi Ltd.

Bernhard is a true veteran in the blockchain industry, having been passionately involved as a leading figure in the Swiss blockchain space since 2011. His expertise in systems engineering, honed over a decade in healthcare engineering, has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of highly regulated industries. As Chairman and General Manager of Centi, Bernhard’s leadership skills are complemented by his ability to foster cross-continent collaborations and drive business development. His unwavering commitment to the blockchain space, coupled with his deep understanding of regulatory landscapes, uniquely positions him to lead in an industry where technology and regulation intersect. Bernhard holds a M.Sc. in Biology.

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